Soft tissue around Dental Implants play a major role in achieving esthetic restorations, and maintaining health of dental implants, especially for dental implants that are located in the anterior maxilla. The goal during implant placement and restoration in this area of the mouth is obtaining harmony with adjacent teeth and dental implants. Soft tissue contours, texture, and color around implant crowns have to blend with adjacent teeth and cannot have any deviations in location of the margin, tissue thickness or color. The implant crown has to also blend with that of adjacent teeth with no sharp deviations in color and form of the implant crown. 

Soft tissue around dental implants are also important to maintaining long term health and longevity of dental implants in the mouth. Dental implants that are in sites with thin gingival thickness(<2mm), thin periodontal biotype(Phenotype) are often prone to recession and Peri-implant disease. Sites with minimal or no keratinized tissue (<2mm) are also prone to have Peri-implant disease in patients with poor oral hygiene or who lack compliance with maintenance visits. 

To prevent esthetic and health concerns around dental implants, it is essential that assessment of type of periodontal biotype (Phenotype) is identified prior to starting dental implant therapy as well as the condition of gingival thickness, and amount of keratinized tissue present. Measures to correct soft tissue deficiencies should be implemented prior to implant placement and restoration, especially in the anterior maxilla where esthetics is a major concern. 

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